Experts tell us to take Potassium Iodide or Iodate to protect us from a radioative threat, whether now or in the future. This expert guidance has caused a massive buy-up of this product, making it difficult to get. But does it assuredly provide much safety anyway?
The radioactive elements to worry about consist of radioactive Cesium, Iodine, Uranium and Strontium 90. Cesium acts like Potassium, a vital mineral for the body. Potassium Iodide or Iodate does not provide enough Potassium to keep Cesium from being absorbed, so extra Potassium would be needed in time of radioactivity exposure. I do not propose taking level Potassium. Too much Potassium can potentially cause abnormal heart beats. Your Potassium should come from a product that has Potassium and other minerals as part of a whole food.
Potassium IOdide
The IodIde in Potassium Iodide is a form of IodIne, which is vital for the thyroid gland and some other organs to work. Potassium Iodide can only help protect your thyroid gland but does nothing to protect the rest of your body, and it does not provide IodIne, which is the natural source that the thyroid uses to invent thyroid hormones. It is far better to take a source of IodIne, especially since most population in North America are deficient in iodine to begin with. That is why so many population have sluggish thyroid glands. I propose taking an iodine source such as Prolamine Iodine, not only to protect the thyroid gland from radioactivity Iodine, but on a regular basis for good thyroid function.
How to Halo: Reach - Achievement HORSE #2 Tube. Duration : 10.42 Mins.
Jack and Geoff kick off (officially) their new Halo: Reach HORSE series. This week they battle back and forth for supreme supremacy.
Keywords: Achievement, Hunter, Halo, Reach, Horse, Jack, Geoff, Forge, Maps, Funny
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