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Salt and Your condition


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

In the past 50 years, there has been a raging controversy colse to salt. The curative community generally believes that over consumption leads to high blood pressure and increased risk of heart disease. Indeed, there are a plethora of studies to confirm this. However, most of the explore on salt is done on refined salt, not on natural, unprocessed sea salt.

Salt comes in the form of sodium chloride, two elements that incorporate to originate something unique and considerable for our bodies. Yet, there is a huge divergence between approved refined table salt and unprocessed natural sea salt.

Potassium IOdide

Salt is a dietary mineral composed primarily of sodium chloride. Biologically speaking, salt plays a major role in human health.

Salt and Your condition

• It controls the number of water within the body and maintains the considerable equilibrium between cells and body fluids.

• In conjunction with water, it helps to regulate blood pressure.

• It is considerable for the contraction and freedom of muscles and the stoppage of muscle cramps.

• It is responsible for maintaining the acid-alkaline equilibrium within the body.

• It helps transmit nerve impulses.

• It serves as a vital ingredient of blood plasma and digestive secretion like hydrochloric acid.

• It aids in balancing blood sugar levels.

• It helps make the structure of bones firm - 22% of the body's salt is in the bones.

Why people Think Salt Is Bad

The question with salt is not the salt itself, but what has been done to the salt. Salt is generally obtained from two sources - rock salt from land mines and sea salt from the ocean or salty lakes.

Land-mined salt contains about 98% sodium chloride and the remaining 2% is composed of iron, calcium, and smaller amounts of aluminum and strontium. The generally found refined table salt comes from land-mined salt. Other variations of table salt contain iodized salt, popcorn salt, pickling salt, pretzel salt, rock salt, and seasoned salt.

The infer why salt has acquired a bad reputation is because manufacturers, in order to make salt whiter, dryer, and easier to pour, take off all the minerals and nutrients from salt and instead add some unsavory ingredients to it. The sodium from this type of refined salt often remains in the body long after it has done its job, causing joints to swell and kidney problems to develop.

Additives in refined table salt --

• Anti-caking chemicals, some of which are aluminum-based. Aluminum is connected with heavy metal toxicity and maybe Alzheimer's disease.

• Dextrose (sugar) is added to iodized salt to stabilize the iodine and keep it from turning purple.

• Sodium silico-aluminate, which is connected with kidney problems and mineral malabsorption

• Sodium acetate, which is connected with elevated blood pressure, kidney disturbances, and water retention.

Sea salt, on the other hand, is natural and unprocessed. It contains about 85% sodium chloride, plus leading minerals like magnesium, calcium, and potassium. These trace minerals in quality unprocessed sea salt is extremely useful to the body, serving many leading regulatory and nutritional functions.

Sea salt comes in both fine and coarse grains. They come in many separate varieties such as black salt, flake salt, Fleur de Sel, French sea salt, grey salt, abrasive salt, Hawaiian sea salt, Italian sea salt, Kala Namak, kosher salt, and smoked sea salt.

Why America Has A question With Salt

Most current guidelines for sodium consumption are less than 2,300 mg a day, or practically one teaspoon of refined salt, but the average American takes in 4,000-5,000 mg of sodium a day. When you look at where the sodium comes from, you will understand the source of the question - refined salt in processed foods. Over 90% of the money that people spend on food is for processed food.

Sources of sodium in American diet --

• 77% from processed foods

• 12% from natural sources (meats, nuts, grains, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products)

• 6% added while eating

• 5% added while cooking

Processed foods contain canned vegetables, soups, luncheon meats, and freezing foods. Food manufacturers use salt and other sodium-containing chemicals to support food and to enhance the taste and texture of food. Food scientists have found that by adding excess salt, sugar, and fat to a food, people tend to overeat. Have you ever wondered why you can never eat just one or two potato chips?

Therefore, when you eat a lot of processed foods, you are automatically entertaining more sodium than your body calls for. To make it worse, the refined salt used in processed foods is void of nutrients and full of unsavory additives. Given time, excess sodium in your body will lead to a host of health issues, along with fluid retention, high blood pressure, cardiovascular problems, and kidney diseases.

Staying Healthy

Some people are more sensitive to the effects of sodium than are others. Those who are sodium-sensitive support sodium more easily, leading to excess fluid holding and increased blood pressure. For these people, it is even more crucial to restrict sodium intake.

• Avoid eating processed foods.

• Avoid using refined table salt.

• pick a high quality, unprocessed sea salt. Make sure that the salt is from a good source. Due to pollution, sea salts can contain mercury and other toxic heavy metals.

• Only salt food after tasting it to avoid overuse.

As we know from experience, entertaining too much salt produces thirst and results in fluid retention. A natural way to equilibrium excessive salt and take off accumulated fluid is to use beverages that exhibit natural diuretic properties. These beverages help with the passing of urine and with it, excess salt. Some examples of such beverages are green tea, dandelion leaf tea, cranberry juice, and carrot juice.

The key to good health is to stay away from anyone refined or processed, along with refined salt. Eat a natural diet with the freshest ingredients available, and do everything in moderation.

Common Types of Salt

Iodized salt is refined table salt fortified with iodine in the form of potassium iodide. Iodine is an leading micro nutrient vital for the wholesome functioning of the thyroid gland. If you use other types of salt without added iodine, make sure you eat a diet along with salt water seafood, sea vegetables, eggs, and dairy products.

Kosher salt is evaporated from salt water. It is ready under specific conditions popular ,favorite by the Orthodox Jewish faith and contains no additives or added iodine. It is a coarse-grained salt and dissolves quickly. Kosher salt is a much healthier option than refined table salt.

Pickling salt is like refined table salt but it does not contain iodine or anti-caking chemicals, both of which turn pickles dark and unsightly. It is virtually 100% sodium chloride. It is a very fine-grained salt and dissolves quickly.

Rock salt is land-mined. Minerals and other safe impurities give it a grayish color. It comes in large crystals and is not used directly on food. Rock salt makes a great bed for serving oysters and clams and is also used in ice cream makers and for de-icing driveways.

Sea salt is made from evaporated sea water and has a fresher, lighter flavor than suitable table salt. Unprocessed sea salt includes simply present trace minerals but does not contain any considerable number of iodine which is considerable for the wholesome functioning of the thyroid glands. Therefore, if you use sea salt, make sure your diet includes iodine-rich foods, such as salt water seafood, sea vegetables, eggs, and dairy products. Sea salt comes in many colors, from white to pink, brown, and black.

Table salt, found in most salt shakers, is land-mined and goes through a refining process that removes all naturally-occurring minerals. Chemical additives are blended in to prevent clumping.

Salt and Your condition

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10 Ways to manage Hyperthyroidism


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Management of hyperthyroidism is basically aimed at reducing the thyroid hormone secretion. A allowance in the secretion helps to reduce the symptoms and the potential complications. Supervision includes:

1. Drugs: comprise the use of Anti-thyroid drugs and adrenergic antagonists.

Potassium IOdide

Anti-thyroid drugs: These comprise Propylthiouracil (Ptu), or Methimazole (Tapazole). They are used to depress the synthesis of thyroid hormone thereby reducing the symptoms of hyperthyroidism. They should not be used in fertilization and lactation because they have the ability to precipitate goitre and cretinism in the foetus.

10 Ways to manage Hyperthyroidism

Iodine compounds such as Potassium iodide, Lugol's solution; or saturated solution of Potassium iodide (Sski) are also used as adjunctive therapy to reduce the publish of thyroid hormones from the thyroid gland.

Adrenergic blockers: These drugs are used as adjunctive drugs to control the nervous symptoms of hyperthyroidism. They help in controlling anxiety, tachycardia and heat intolerance as well. They comprise Propranolol, Reserpine and Guanethidine. Adrenergic blockers are used in conjunction with iodide compounds to get ready the outpatient for surgical execution of the thyroid gland.

2. Irradiation: Radioactive iodine (131I) is employed to destroy the hyperactive thyroid tissue. This helps to reduce the secretion of thyroid hormones. Before treatment with radioactive iodine, the outpatient is first treated with anti-thyroid drugs for at least 6-18 months. Radioactive iodine should not be used in fertilization and lactation because it has the ability to lanch the placenta and it is also secreted in breast milk.

3. Surgery: Subtotal thyroidectomy which is the surgical discharge of about 5/6th of the thyroid gland tissues helps to bring about a allowance In the signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism in some patients for a long period of time.

4. Relief of discomfort: A comfortable environment should be in case,granted for the patient. He should be given cool bath and cool fluids to help relief ache due to intolerance to heat. Bed linen should be changed often because of excess sweating. Light bed clothes should also be used for the patient.

5. Relief of anxiety: outpatient should be in a quiet, calm and restful environment to help reduce his nervousness and hyper-excitability. outpatient and family should be well informed about the causes of symptoms and what is to be achieved straight through treatment. Visitors likely to excite outpatient should be prevented from visiting him in order not to worsen the symptoms. outpatient should be reassured that his emotional disturbances will abate as treatment progresses.

6. Self esteem: If patient's condition is very bad, mirrors should not be allowed into his room so as not to enduringly keep him aware of his bad state. outpatient should be reassured that the symptoms he is experiencing which comprise changes in appearance, weight and appetite will gradually go away as his treatment is maintained. So outpatient needs not over burden himself with his disturbing image.

7. Fluids and nutrition: Fluids should be increased to replace the fluid lost straight through sweating, polyuria and diarrhoea. Foods high in protein, carbohydrate and calorie should be given to forestall tissue breakdown likely to effect from the increased metabolic rate. Vitamins B1 and C should be given to heighten carbohydrate metabolism.

Stimulants such as coffee, tea or kola must be avoided because they increase nervousness. Extremely seasoned foods should be avoided to forestall the diarrhea from worsening straight through increased peristalsis.

8. Observation: The vital signs should be checked at least 4 hourly, with emphasis on pulse and blood pressure. Adrenergic drugs have the tendency to worsen the cardiac failure. Proper concentration to the blood pressure will enable you know when the condition gets worse. Patient's weight should also be checked and recorded daily to monitor revising in his nutritional status.

9. Skin and eye care: protect the cornea from irritation, ulceration and infection if there is exophthalmos by instilling 0.5-1% of methylcellulose into the eye. This helps to forestall drying and provides soothing effect to the conjunctiva. Dark glasses should be worn to forestall dust and dirt from entering the eyes. Pressure areas should be treated to forestall pressure sore if the outpatient is confined to bed.

10. outpatient education: The dosage, side effects and complications of prescribed drugs should be explained to the patient. He should be made to understand the signs of thyroid storm and the conditions that can trigger off a thyroid storm or crisis. Emphasis should be laid on the point of long-term treatment because of the possibility of developing hypothyroidism as a effect of prolong use of anti-thyroid drugs or radioactive iodide.

10 Ways to manage Hyperthyroidism

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Will The Japanese population in the future furnish Too Many Males?


Friday, August 26, 2011

Human societies do best when there is a allowable whole of males to females. When there are too many males, and they are all of ages between 16 and 35 there is a greater occasion for Civil War, major disruptions, or even a country choosing to go to war. Civilizations have always wondered and had a challenge as to what to do with their huge male populations. They've tried everything, enlisting them in the Army to go fight foreign wars or invade for more territory or putting them to work to build stuff.

The other options are somewhat problematic, as if the two above are any better. If you end up putting population to work against their will, that's nothing more than slavery, or in contemporary community economic enslavement. If you enlist them into an army, you are sending many of your young men off to get slaughtered, and that's not good for anyone. If you consideration all the civil unrest in the world, it is advent from places with too many young males in the population, and this skewed demographic will continue to plague mankind and human societies.

Potassium IOdide

There was a very attractive report in healing Express on May 26, 2011 titled "Nuclear Radiation Affects Baby Gender" written up by Springer. The report noted that;

Will The Japanese population in the future furnish Too Many Males?

"Ionizing radiation exposure leads to an growth in male births. Research shows that radiation from atom bomb testing prior to the Partial Test Ban Treaty in 1963, the Chernobyl accident, & living near nuclear facilities, a long-term negative effect on the ratio of human births (sex odds). Increases in the Eu & Us (1964-1975) likely due to dispersed atmospheric atomic bomb test fallout, prior to test ban 1963"

Okay so, with the giant earthquake and tsunami in Japan, much radiation was leaked out, and dispersed by the wind. High levels of radiation were found all over Japan, as well is in Tokyo. Much of the food, together with fish and agricultural foods also had high levels of radiation. If all of your food furnish has higher levels of radiation, and if this healing Research is correct, which I believe it to be, then in the time to come Japan will have a problem with too many males in its population, which will start to appear in 2-decades as their demographics shift.

Right now, China has this problem due to their one child policies, and how they were getting rid of all their female babies - right now in China there are 120 males for every 100 females, and it is a essential hardship to get over. Will Japan have the same problems in the future? In many Arab and African countries there are quite a few younger males also, and there is also quite a bit of turbulence, and civil unrest.

It's hard to build a civilization when the demographics are skewed in this way. truly I hope you will please think all this from a philosophical perspective and from a scientific researched point of view.

Will The Japanese population in the future furnish Too Many Males?

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Not The Salt Of The Earth


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

When It Rains, It Pours....Chemicals

Major clubs dry salt in gigantic kilns where temperatures coming 1200 degrees F. This alters the chemical buildings of salt as sodium chloride is lost into the air and transformed into a gas. Salt Is sodium chloride! All that is left is sodium hydroxide: a known irritant.

Potassium IOdide

When table salt is refined, 82 out of the 84 mineral elements are extracted. Why, if these elements are so good for you, do the salt refineries do this? Normally, only 7% of the refined salt ends up on your table. The majority of the salt has great market value and is sold for market use.

Not The Salt Of The Earth

Since the high heat has removed all of salt's vital minerals, let's see what man adds before he sells it to you:

Potassium Iodide - to avoid iodine deficiency

Glucose - a type of sugar to stabilize the iodine

Magnesium Carbonate - an anti caking element

Aluminum Silicate - to keep the salt porous and powdery.... Note the word 'aluminum' and remember its relationship with Alzheimer's Disease as aluminum is highly toxic to our nervous theory and is not meant to be in our bodies.

A Science Test Even A Child Can Do

Want to know what is happening in your body to the chemical slurry that major manufacturers call salt?

Try this easy and quick test: Take a glass that you can see straight through and add a large spoon of your 'manufactured' salt. Add water, stir and let sit on the countertop overnight.

Next morning, what do you see? See the 'salt' at the bottom of the glass? That is the nutrition-less and chemical laden combination that you spent money on at the grocery store. If it can acquire in the bottom of a glass of water, where is it collecting in your body? If it is not dissolving in the glass, it's not dissolving in your body.

Note: Real salt dissolves.

Pass The Salt...The Real Salt!

Before you only think of salt as being 'bad' and being responsible for high blood pressure, take a look at it's benefits:

Real salt, as strange as it may seem, is vital for the regulation of blood pressure

Real salt plays a crucial role in stabilizing irregular heartbeat

Real salt helps citation acidity and toxins from the cells in our bodies: especially our brain cells

Real salt can dissolve calcium deposits which originate health issues in our bodies

Real salt controls the volume of water in our bodies, regulating the delicate balance in the middle of body fluids and cells, while maintaining electrolyte balance as well

Real salt is a strong antihistamine helping to prevent muscle cramping and can help clear congestion in the sinuses

Real salt is vital in balancing sugar levels in the blood

Real salt is a natural hypnotic and helps to regulate sleep

Real Salt Is Unrefined

What is real salt?

Sea salt that is dried on the shore and put into bottles and jars with minimal handling

Salt mined from the earth and put into bottles and jars with minimal handling

Salt that has not been heated, treated and does not have added chemicals

The properties of mined salt and sea salt are: 84 distinct mineral elements. These same minerals are found in our body. Remember the refined salt at the beginning of this article? 82 of the 84 minerals were removed.

Loss of these minerals creates a dietary deficiency, which can lead to serious disorders of the nervous system, brain damage, muscle damage or other serious illnesses. The minerals in real salt can help prevent cancer, exhaustion, memory loss, rapid aging, obesity, water retention, ulcers, poor teeth and bones, decreased sex drive, and other serious conditions.

Now do you still want to eat the 'refined' chemicals that they call table salt

© Page Remick - All possession reserved

Not The Salt Of The Earth

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The Consequences of Not Exploring Alternative Forms of energy


Monday, August 22, 2011

Nuclear Accidents

World power needs are doubling every 20 years. As of today, Nuclear power output is about 14 % of total power needs of the world. The power business is therefore hard-pressed to enhance output and they do it by way of building up new power generation plants throughout the world. Approved methods of using wind power generators, diesel power generators and water powered generators are found to be insufficient to meet the growing demands of the world; and hence the shift towards power generation plants using nuclear power reactors. Though latter has been found to be economically viable to contribute sustainable energy, reducing carbon emissions regularly related with the use of fossil materials, hazards are many due to potential exposure of mankind to radiation. Hence a indispensable opposition is built up internationally on the basis of risk complex due to accidents and problems related with nuclear waste management.

Potassium IOdide

Apart from three major accidents together with the latest one in Fukushima Japan, history of nuclear power is more or less event free. This is due to spoton implementation of norms for nuclear protection and constant monitoring by international agencies. Nuclear power generation techniques also improved with the amelioration of science and technology. More emphasis is given to the nuclear protection and nuclear waste management. Nuclear community has learned lessons from Three Mile Island emergency in Pennsylvania in 1979 and Chernobyl, Ukraine in 1986. Since then, all the 440 reactors throughout world have been functioning free of major accidents till this Fukushima emergency occurred as a effect of Tsunami and Sendai earthquake. Reports are being received about nuclear meltdown and explosions spreading radiation which may be carried on to separate parts of world creating catastrophe. For damage control large evacuation procedures and distribution of potassium iodide tablets are going on. But how much productive these measures are, only time can tell.

The Consequences of Not Exploring Alternative Forms of energy

Nuclear protection standards are very rigid and nuclear reactors are built with emphasis given on provisions for protection while earthquake or other natural calamities. But there are determined elements which are beyond the power and control of human beings. The modern example is one among them. 9/11 strike by terrorists has been someone else eye opener for all concerned to think potential threats from terrorists on power generation plants.

The modern emergency in Japan followed by tsunami is of course a setback to the proponents of nuclear power generation and it may lead to an introspection among world leaders. They are sure to understand it is dangerous to go ahead with nuclear programs with unabated speed and to build up as many nuclear power plants as potential to meet the growing power needs compromising on protection aspects. The latest trend on the basis of opinions from expert is changing and there is every likelihood that the policy being followed may undertake a major change. Due to Economic compulsions internationally, it is doubted that there exist some sort of complacency even today and more and more nations are attracted towards nuclear energy. Getting an entry into the elite nuclear club is being determined a status sticker even by small nations. The trend may now change and citizen will start thinking to give more point to improving techniques to harness wind energy, solar energy, hydro-electric etc. Which are eco-friendly and unobjectionable to the mankind. And surely, scientists and technologists should try to make it economically viable to compete with the gift nuclear regime.

The Consequences of Not Exploring Alternative Forms of energy

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Salt and Sodium in Your Diet and How It Affects Your condition


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The expanding of iodine to seasoning was applied years ago as a communal healthiness quantum to stop goiter, an growth of the thyroid gland in the neck as a turn out of deficient iodine. North American flavouring manufacturers are needed by law to conduce a small potassium iodide to their goods if it's being sold for table or normal household use. Cooking accounts for only about a third of all the seasoning in your diet, half comes from processed food, and the left over flavouring you eat takes place plainly in ration and in some ingesting H2O.

Many citizen are bewildered by the dissimilarity among sodium and salt. What it is, is the sodium happy of foods that's of healthiness worry to some people. Sodium takes place plainly in many foods and is also added via seasoning and other sodium, containing ingredients. To keep sodium in perspective, it's primary to perceive both its certain and negative facets. Sodium is an primary nutrient; in fact, we couldn't live without it. A hearty person's classification can regularly deal with a broad scope of sodium by conserving it when it's scarce and excreting any overload through the urine.

Potassium IOdide

Some added and more scientific evidence is connecting intense sodium intake with hypertension, elevated blood pressure. Hypertension has been called a silent killer for the infer that it rarely makes any hint signals, yet it can generated such grave situations as stroke, heart disease, and kidney failure.

Salt and Sodium in Your Diet and How It Affects Your condition

Even if the body in normal maintains a balance of sodium and other minerals at the fitting level, evidence proposes that individuals who are hereditarily prone to hypertension may maybe be growing their danger by eating a diet elevated in sodium. Data puts forward that when a heritable issue is present, a diet high in sodium will growth the hazard of hypertension. You will find it is not commonly appropriate that sodium categorically causes hypertension. Many specialists feel that if sodium consumption is high, the effects of other reasons that are linked with elevated blood pressure may be strengthened.

The sodium in processed foods can yield difficulties for a few individuals. Salt substitutes with slight or no sodium are available, but these should most likely be used only less than guidance of a physician because they consist of substantially big quantities of potassium or other substances that maybe will not be desirable for a few people.

There is one drawback to low, sodium foods that most weight watchers will mention, the savour. There is plainly no denying it, to most individuals salt makes food more palatable. Even so, epicurean cooks with hypertension have written cookbooks on how best to keep away from flavouring by substituting a broad range of yummy condiments, herbs and spices, and other flavorings for example lemon juice.

Salt and Sodium in Your Diet and How It Affects Your condition

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Unrefined Sea Salt is considerable to Our Well-Being!


Salt honestly has many important functions in the body, including:
Keeping the precise equilibrium of water in and nearby body tissues and cellsProper digestionMetabolismMaking the heart beat correctlyProper muscle functioning
Processed Table Salt Is Bad for your Health

Highly processed table salt has a bad reputation for raising blood pressure and addition inflammation that is not seen when people consume natural unrefined sea salt. That is why you have probably heard recommendations in the media on reducing your salt consumption. In addition, most people don't realize that quarterly table salt has been heavily refined by a chemical cleaning process. Major table-salt producing associates dry their salt in huge kilns where temperatures often reach 1200 degrees F. This changes the salt's chemical structure, reducing the amount of elements that are plainly found in the salt from 84 to only a couple. This man-made stock regularly consists of just sodium and chloride, along with some additives, like inorganic iodine in the form of potassium-iodide, and often sugar and aluminum silicate to forestall clumping. However, our body needs those other elements, along with trace minerals and natural iodine, in order to be healthy.

Potassium IOdide

Perhaps this is why most macrobiotic experts regard inviting refined sea salt as just as bad for your health as ingesting white sugar. Fish from the ocean will die fast if settled in a clarification of refined salt and water. This sodium chloride is poisonous to them, so it's no wonder that it seems to be harmful to humans as well. However, our bodies need some salt -- blood, sweat and tears all contain salt, and both the skin and the eyes seems to be protected from germs by the anti-bacterial succeed of salt. The only kind we can honestly propose as a salt to consume on a day-to-day basis is natural unrefined sea salt.

Unrefined Sea Salt is considerable to Our Well-Being!

Unrefined Sea Salt High in Trace Minerals

Unrefined sea salt that is evaporated from the ocean is higher in vital requisite minerals (especially magnesium) than even the mined unrefined salts that we have seen. This pink or grey sea salt contains all the minerals and micro-nutrients that are found in the sea, along with iodine. Almost all processed foods, even those found in the health food store, contain regular, refined table salt, along with soy sauce. (Even if it says "sea salt," that is probably refined sea salt, that has been robbed of its nutrients just like coarse table salt.) That's someone else presume why you need to eliminate or drastically cut back on all packaged foods.

If you chose to buy someone else salt also unrefined pink or grey sea salt, you need to ask where the salt comes from, how it was harvested, whether or not it has been refined, and what types of nutrients are contained in it. Truly natural sea salt should be hand harvested and left out to dry by solar evaporation. The grey sea salt from the salt marshes of Guerande, France, in the Brittany region, has been plainly collected for over 1200 years. There are some brands of pink salt from Hawaii and the Mediterranean that are exquisite as well.

Bathing in Mineral Rich Waters Also Beneficial

If you are deficient in minerals, like most of us are, using unrefined sea salt can help you to replenish those minerals. someone else way to help increase your mineral stores is by bathing in mineral and salt-rich waters. You can whether go take a cure at a mineral spa, as people have done for hundreds of years, or use products at home in your bath, such as bath salts from the Dead Sea, which are rich in minerals as well as sodium chloride. Our bodies suck up minerals through our skin, which is why many people swear by mineral bath soaking, whether at a spa or in the comfort of your own home. Mineral-rich salt baths, salt scrubs, rubs and polishes all work to replenish minerals in the body, exfoliate dead skin, stimulate circulation and comfort stress. Just make sure and get one that uses natural sea salt and pure requisite oils if you want some fragrance, not synthetic.

Unrefined Sea Salt is considerable to Our Well-Being!


Radiation Exposure: What Can I Do?


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Experiencing the front line of a emergency is a frightful experience, especially in the face of uncertainty and fear of the unknown. This point is especially well graphic in Japan's ongoing nuclear crisis. For over a week now, saving workers in Japan have dealt with floods, fires, power outages, and infrastructure damage, all compounded with the threat of an escalating nuclear crisis. Radiation levels are at elevated levels for miles nearby the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear involved and scientists are scrambling to resolve how much radiation has already been released into the environment. In the interest of providing a wee peace of mind to security personnel over the globe whose line of work brings them into perceive with critical situations, we have a few basic suggestions on how to avoid radiation risks.

The way the group views radiation has been shaped by some of the most horrific incidents in modern history: Chernobyl and Hiroshima. These greatest cases have influenced many to assume that radiation is an exotic and deadly phenomenon. In reality, our environment is steeped in radiation that our bodies suck up without any proven ill effect. The most foremost factor in comprehension the impact of radiation is quantity - how high radiation levels are and how these levels translate to risk.

Potassium IOdide

Security personnel are key and support as the first line of defense against these varying dangers of radiation. Club is extremely foremost in emergency situations, and even just a few informed individuals can drastically turn the outcome of a risky situation. security personnel have to act swiftly to mitigate and ascertain the amount of radiation in the environment. Two tools that are nothing else but critical to security personnel in a radiation emergency are the dosimeter and radiation detector.

Radiation Exposure: What Can I Do?

A dosimeter is a small badge worn on the body or a small handheld gismo used to part how much radiation the person has been subjected to. security personnel are often exposed to more radiation in their line of work, and must considered monitor their dosimeters to tell them when they are approaching risk levels and must leave the danger area. To give some idea of safe radiation levels, natural background radiation - the radiation that we are exposed to every day from cosmic rays and naturally-occurring radioactive materials - is about 620 millirems per year in the United States. A coast-to-coast airplane trip will expose you to about 12 millirems, and a year of watching four hours of television per day adds up to about 2 millirems. These quantities are miniscule compared to a federal occupational limit of exposure at 5000 millirems per year. Children and pregnant women have much lower exposure levels, and very high levels of radiation can cause serious health risks in a short time.

Radiation detectors are critical to security efforts because they allow personnel to find contaminated areas and habitancy quickly. A coarse detector that has been used in the past is a Geiger-Mueller detector, or a Geiger counter. A Geiger counter is a very low cost detector, typically less than 0 Usd, and provides very basic detection of large levels of radiation. However, they have critical limitations in a radiation emergency along with wee to no detection of lower levels of radiation that can still be dangerous, as well as slower response time. One of the best detection technologies on the shop is called a scintillation detector. These detectors, on average, are 100 times more sensitive than Geiger counter and talk more rapidly to radiation, commonly within one second, and typically cost nearby ,200 Usd. The much greater sensitivity of scintillation detectors is foremost in situations like the Japanese nuclear emergency because the heightened environmental levels of radiation in the ocean near the involved (which are 127 times normal background levels) would not even show up on a typical Geiger counter. The facts scintillation detectors procure from radiation can even be used to recognize different radioactive isotopes. Devices such as a personal handheld detector and a handheld radiation detector and identifier are commonly used by security personnel and individuals in such situations to detect and, where necessary, recognize the types of radioactive materials a person has been exposed to.

The procedures outlined by government agencies are considered adapted to each risky situation and should be strictly adhered to. These procedures aim to limit the spread of radiation and minimize risk to exposed areas. Although the definite instructions given out for each incident vary, here are a few normal guidelines that should always be followed.

First, in case of radiation contamination, get habitancy (including yourself) out of harm's way as swiftly as potential and post authorities. Radiation spreads nothing else but though blowing dust and smoke, so radiation-free procure zones must be established by sealing off areas from the surface environment by end and weather-proofing doors and windows and placing food and water in well-insulated areas such as basements.

Second, since human skin commonly acts a good wall against low-level radiation, the biggest threat is breathing in radioactive materials or somehow ingesting them. Make sure to wear a face mask in areas that may be contaminated and wash hands regularly. If you surmise person has been exposed to radioactive dust, the best clarification is commonly as uncomplicated as discarding contaminated clothing and washing with soap and water, as this will rid the body of radiation before it can cause damage. As an added guard against critical amounts of radiation, potassium iodide tablets are sometimes given to protect to the thyroid gland.

Third, preparing is vital when it comes to any kind of disaster, and we suggest everyone keep an emergency kit close at hand so that they can be personally prepared in case of any crises. This kit should comprise such things as food and water for a few days, water filtration kit, emergency blanket, rain gear, batteries for radios and detectors, dust mask, extra clothing, flashlight, candles, waterproof matches, cooking utensils, critical medications, and a first aid kit. Although we commonly take these supplies for granted, shortages can occur swiftly in emergency situations.

Although the current nuclear emergency is fraught with unanswered questions, acceptable preparing will enable you to minimize potential risks and supply you the capability to safely navigate straight through any crises, along with potential radiation exposure.

Radiation Exposure: What Can I Do?

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The First Step To Curing Acne


Monday, August 8, 2011

The first step to curing acne is knowing what type of acne you have. This data gives you precious insight to what may have admittedly triggered the acne outset. Once you know your acne trigger, you are one step closer to removing the acne activator and living acne free.

There are numerous types of acne, which could by comparison why it is so cumbersome if not seemingly impossible for the acne sufferer to find a cure. Seeing at the list below, you may be surprised gawk that you acne is not caused by stress, but your new bottle of designer perfume.

Potassium IOdide

·Adult Acne Sudden onset, or continuation of acne, during adulthood. The cause may be hormone imbalances, stress, pollution or medications. Studies have shown a direct link between hormone imbalances and the onset of acne in women ages 30 to 40 years old.

The First Step To Curing Acne

Acne cosmetic This form may be rare but is triggered by use of cosmetics with acne aggravating ingredients such as lanolins, isopropyl mysristate and some pigments.

Acne conglobata Severe hereditary acne that can cause scarring on the face and back.

Acne detergens Acne resulting from grinder cleansers.

Acne excoriée (Mirror Addict Acne)- Psychosomatic disease caused by constant picking of the face and/or body.

Acne fulminans (Too Much Testosterone Acne) Acute and severe form of acne accompanied by symptoms like fever and joint pain. This acne is tasteless among males. Traits include: abrupt onset of acne, inflammatory and ulcerated nodular acne on the chest and back, severe acne scarring, fluctuating fever, painful joints, loss of appetite or weight, and high white blood cell count. This acne is caused by use of testosterone, used legally or illegally to heighten muscle growth. Over the counter treatments or not effective. If you don't need the extra testosterone for your health, don't take it.

Acne keloidalis This acne occurs with habitancy of African descent. It is characterized by firm papules and pustules at the nape of the neck.

Acne mallorca Acne caused by sunbathing.

Acne mechanica Acne provoked by mechanical irritation such as tight, restricting cloths or straps.

Acne medicamentosa (Drug Induced Acne) Acne brought on by medications. tasteless culprits consist of phenytoin (Dilantin), isoniazid, lithium, bromides, iodides, androgens and corticosteroids. Lithium worsens acne vulgaris and can bring on acne in persons who have never experienced acne.

Oral contraceptives containing norgestrel or norethindrone may also induce or worsen acne.

Over the counter drugs containing potassium iodide, bromide (cold remedies) and chlorine (chloral hydrate) may cause acne with very small pustules.

Acne neonatorum child acne triggered by hormones from the mom transferred to the newborn. This acne commonly disappears without treatment.

Acne pomade Acne occurring with persons who use pomades or thick oils daily on their hair. This oil travels from the hair to the forehead where it clogs pores and creates acne lesions. Avoiding touching the face with oiled hands and limiting use of artificial oils on the hairs commonly remedies pomade acne.

Chloracne Acne created by constant exposure to hydrocarbons in motor oil and insecticides.

Imaginary acne Imagining acne when there is admittedly no acne.

Pitch acne Lesions created by coal tars or dandruff tar shampoos.

Premenstrual acne Acne provoked by hormonal changes prior to menstruation.

Steroid acne Inflammation of hair follicles caused by internal steroids or from topical corticosteroids on the face. Steroid induced acne appears as red papules and pustules concentrated in the area where the steroid was applied. Steroids thin the outer layer of the skin and make the hair follicles more susceptible to rupture. Lesions commonly leave after steroid use ends.

Tropical acne Acne experienced by some World War Ii soldiers in the tropics who advanced severe acne with horrible scarring.

The First Step To Curing Acne

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The New maritime Phytoplankton Discovery Improves energy In Less Than Three Days


Thursday, August 4, 2011

For thousands of years we've had the write back available to us, but only recently did we survey the meaning of marine phytoplankton that supplies our ocean with 90 percent of the customary yield and 50% of Earth's oxygen. With over 400 times the power of any known plant marine Phytoplankton has been found to be a nourishing and perfect rights blend.

Health and Wellness is prominent to everyone, millions of habitancy are looking for healthier products.Sea Phytoplankton have been an prominent part of our ocean condition for millions and millions of years and hase changed life as we know it.

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An extraordinary free floating single cell plant which is invisible to the human eye but so prominent that every living being in the ocean depends on its condition and plenty for survival. The link between phytoplankton ecosystems and addition ocean acidity could be key to better comprehension future condition of marine organisms.

The New maritime Phytoplankton Discovery Improves energy In Less Than Three Days

Energy enters the food chain straight through photosynthesis and carbon sequestration by phytoplankton. In nature the phytoplantkon photosynthetic organisms perform a miracle by manufacturing their own food producing oxygen as the by-product and using power from sunlight.

The surfaces of the sea are full of limited phytoplankton one cell drifting plants which turn power from the sun and the elements extracted from the water into high-priced substances necessary for life. The end effect of photosynthesis is the yield of power nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, from sunlight, carbon dioxide and water.

It is reassuring to know that a limited but extremely considerable organism like phytoplankton contains the definite power that we need to thrive despite discrete hazards.

Marine Phytoplankton contains many elements available no where else. Included are a rich source of glyconutriens which play an prominent role in good cell-to-cell communication. This whole food provides a rare and perfect food that gives the body virtually all of the raw materials that it needs, in one single source, to furnish healthy new cells and neuro-chemicals for the brain, such as dopamine and serotonum.

The New maritime Phytoplankton Discovery Improves energy In Less Than Three Days

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