iOSAT Potassium Iodide Tablets, 130 mg (14 Tablets)

iOSAT Potassium Iodide Tablets, 130 mg (14 Tablets)

Thyroid Hyperthyroidism


Monday, March 21, 2011


The causes of hyperthyroidism are,most generally, thyroid endocrine overproduction,because of Graves' illness. In Graves' illness, the Tsh receptor autoantibody Tsh-R [stim] Ab stimulates the thyroid follicular cells to generate too much quantities of T4 and T3.

Less generally, patients with multinodular goiter might come to be thyrotoxic without having circulating antibodies if given inorganic iodine (eg, potassium iodide) or organic iodine compounds (eg, the antiarrhythmic drug amiodarone, which contains 37% iodine by weight). Multinodular goiters may also establish 1 or more nodules that come to be autonomous from Tsh regulation and secrete excessive quantities of T4 or T3.

Potassium IOdide

Patients from regions wherever goiter is endemic might yield thyrotoxicosis when given iodine supplementation (jodbasedow phenomenon). Big follicular adenomas (> 3 cm in diameter) might generate excessive thyroid endocrine. Occasionally, Tsh overproduction (eg, from a pituitary adenoma) or hypothalamic disease may trigger too much thyroid hormone production. The prognosis is advised by clinically evident hyperthyroidism with increased serum T4 and T3 and increased serum Tsh amounts.

Thyroid Hyperthyroidism

Neuroradiologic procedures this kind of as computed tomography (Ct) scans or magnetic resonance imaging (Mri) of the sella turcica confirm the proximity of the pituitary tumor. Even a lot more hardly ever, hyperthyroidism results from Tsh overproduction triggered by pituitary (but not peripheral tissue) resistance towards the suppressive effects of T4 and T3. The prognosis is recommend by looking elevated serum T4 and T3 levels with an inappropriately regular serum Tsh level.

Hyperthyroidism might be precipitated by germ cell tumors (choriocarcinoma and hydatidiform mole), which secrete big quantities of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCg). The big quantities of hCg secreted by these tumors bind towards the follicular cell Tsh receptor and stimulate overproduction of thyroid endocrine. Rarely, hyperthyroidism can be produced by ovarian teratomas containing thyroid tissue (struma ovarii). Hyperthyroidism results when this ectopic thyroid tissue begins to purpose autonomously.

Patients with large metastases from follicular thyroid carcinomas might yield excess thyroid endocrine, particularly following iodide administration. Transient hyperthyroidism is occasionally observed in patients with lymphocytic or granulomatous (subacute) thyroiditis (Hashimoto's thyroiditis). In such instances, the hyperthyroidism is due to destruction from the thyroid with publish of stored endocrine.

Lastly, sufferers who consume too much quantities of exogenous thyroid endocrine (accidentally or deliberately) and individuals treated with amiodarone or interferon alpha might gift with symptoms, signs, and laboratory findings of hyperthyroidism. Anyone the trigger of hyperthyroidism, serum thyroid hormones are elevated. Both the free of fee thyroxine (Ft4) and the free of fee thyroxine index (Ft4I) are elevated. In 5-10% of sufferers, T4 secretion is regular while T3 levels are high (so-called T3 toxicosis).

Total serum T4 and T3 levels aren't commonly definitive because of variations in concentrations of thyroid hormone-binding proteins. Hyperthyroidism resulting from Graves' illness is characterized by a suppressed serum Tsh degree as determined by sensitive immunoenzymometric or immunoradiometric assays. Nevertheless, Tsh levels may also be suppressed in some acute psychiatric along with other nonthyroidal illnesses.

In the rare Tsh-secreting pituitary adenomas (so-called secondary hyperthyroidism) and in hypothalamic illness with too much Trh output (so-called tertiary hyperthyroidism), hyperthyroidism is accompanied by elevated plasma Tsh.

The radioactive iodine (Rai) uptake of the thyroid gland at 4, 6, or 24 hours is elevated when the gland produces an excess of endocrine (eg, Graves' disease); it's decreased when the gland is leaking stored endocrine (eg, thyroiditis), when endocrine is produced elsewhere (eg, struma ovarii), and when excessive exogenous thyroid hormone is being ingested (eg, factitious hyperthyroidism).

Technetium 99m scanning can furnish info comparable to that obtained with Rai and is quicker and entails less radiation exposure. The Trh test is sometimes helpful in prognosis when sufferers have confusing outcomes of thyroid purpose tests. In regular people, administration of Trh (500 g intravenously) creates an increase in serum Tsh of a minimum of 6 mU/L inside 15-30 minutes. In major hyperthyroidism, Tsh amounts are low and Trh administration induces small or no rise within the Tsh degree.

Thyroid Hyperthyroidism

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